After Pakistan, China to build nuclear power plant in Argentina

According to the deal, China will build the Atucha III nuclear power plant using Hualong One technology with the deal costing $8 billion. Earlier, this month China and Argentina had signed an MoU on the BRI project as Argentina's President Alberto Fernandez visited China to attend the Beijing Winter Olympics.During the meeting between Xi and Fernandez, the two leaders sought to push ahead with hydropower and railway projects as China seeks to build economic ties with the Latin American country. In May last year, China had helped to start Pakistan's largest nuclear power plant in the port city of Karachi as Prime Minister Imran Khan pointed out that the country is among the top-10 countries at risk due to climate change.Pakistan's nuclear plant was built by China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) and construction started in 2015. China has already invested billions into Pakistan's Belt and Road initiative. Last week, the UK had approved China's nuclear reactor design that could be used at a plant in southeast England.UK's Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) and the environment agency said UKHPR1000 nuclear reactor is suitable for use in the UK. UK HPR1000 is based on the Hualong One power plant technology.