Ukrainian foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba accuses Lavrov of spreading misinformation
Ukrainian foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba has claimed that Russia is spreading misinformation. "Russian FM Lavrov spreads disinfo by falsely alleging Ukraine wants to restore its nuclear arsenal," he said."Russia who itself fires at nuclear facilities in Ukraine. Safe zones must be established around them to prevent disaster in Europe," he wrote on Twitter. This comes after Russia blamed the explosion on Ukrainian "saboteurs" calling it "monstrous provocation". "Last night on the territory adjacent to the power plant, an attempt was made by the Kyiv nationalist regime to carry out a monstrous provocation," Russia's defence ministry said.Ukraine had said that the plant in its southeast was shelled overnight, the IAEA added. "The Ukraine regulatory authority said a fire at the site had not affected 'essential' equipment and plant personnel were taking mitigatory actions. There was no reported change in radiation levels at the plant," it said.This plant provides more than a fifth of total electricity generated in Ukraine