Russia could invade Ukraine within a month: White House after cyber-attacks
The White House on Friday released a statement on the recent cyber operations conducted by Russia against Ukraine and said that the pattern of attacks being monitored by its agencies signals a possible invasion by the former within a month.“Intelligence agencies monitoring Russian cyber operations against Ukraine believe Russia’s pattern of activity could signal a ground invasion of Ukraine within the next 30 days,” said White House in a statement. The statements came after a massive cyberattack splashed at least 70 federal websites of the Ukrainian government, including, the security and defence council, with a warning sign “be afraid and expect worst.The cyberattack, which the Ukrainian state security service said showed signs of Russian involvement, unfolded hours after security talks between Ukraine and Russia. White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters that the United States was concerned that Russia was preparing for the possibility of a new military assault."As part of its plans, Russia is laying the groundwork to have the option of fabricating a pretext for invasion, including through sabotage activities and information operations, by accusing Ukraine of preparing an imminent attack against Russian forces in eastern Ukraine," Psaki said. However, Moscow constantly denied the claims of a possible cyberattack though it has amassed more than 100,000 troops on its neighbour`s frontiers and on Friday released pictures of more of its forces on the move.