Biden’s mother disliked England, chose to sleep on floor rather than in bed where Queen had once slept

US President Joe Biden, who is of Irish descent, once revealed that his mother Catherine Eugenia Finnegan disliked England to a great extent. Once she chose to sleep on the floor and not in a bed where England’s Queen had slept previously, as per an autobiography of a comedian Georgia Pritchett. The US leader seems to have made the revelation when Pritchett met him in the White House during his tenure as vice-president, claimed the British comedian in his autobiography called 'My Mess is a Bit of a Life’. During the meeting, the conversation had started with Biden’s trip to Ukraine. The comedian wrote: “He changed the subject to how much his mother hated the English. His parents were Irish and she had written several poems about her hatred of the English. He went off to find them and returned with hundreds of poems describing how God must smite the English and rain blood on our heads.” Biden also recalled how his mother visited the UK and spent a night in a hotel where, she was told, the Queen had once stayed. “She was so appalled that she slept on the floor all night, rather than risk sleeping on a bed that the Queen had slept on,” Pritchett wrote.