Letter 'Z' turns symbol to show support for Ukraine’s invasion in Russia. What does it mean?

The letter ‘Z’ is the new symbol of war for Russia. It is being sported by athletes and military vehicles, who are carrying out the offensive in Ukraine. It also keeps popping up on social media and has also appeared on cars, clothing and signs. It seems to have become a propaganda symbol in Russia to support the invasion of Ukraine.The mysterious Z-shaped letter was first spotted on Russian tanks and military trucks at the Ukrainian border by experts on February 19. On its social media channels, the Kremlin-funded state network RT had also announced just three days after the invasion that it was selling Z merchandise to show support for Russian troops.When Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began, more military hardware could be seen emblazoned with Zs and other letters like O, X, A and V. So, why the letter ‘Z’? Several military experts have come up with many theories to find a valid answer to this question. One of them is that it could have been done in a bid to avoid 'friendly fire' as Russian and Ukraine army tanks look same.On Instagram channel, the Russian defense ministry said that Z meant Za pobedu (“for victory”) and V stood for “power of truth”.