Airports Authority of India partners with Jewar airport to provide air traffic services in Noida
Categories: DAILY NEWS
Airports Authority of India (AAI), the national airport's operator, will provide air traffic services at the upcoming Noida International Airport at Jewar in Greater Noida. As per sources, the first phase is expected to be commissioned by 2024. An agreement to this effect was signed between the AAI and Yamuna International Airport Private Limited (YIAPL) on February 28, AAI said. YIAPL is a special purpose vehicle set up for the development of the greenfield Noida International Airport at Jewar. As an Air Navigation Services Provider, AAI is the only entity statutorily empowered to provide air traffic services in the country.
Mumbai and Navi Mumbai are lined up for a similar approach, he said, adding AAI has already signed a pact for CNS-ATM services with Navi Mumbai International Airport (NMIAL) in 2018. Under the pact with the Noida International Airport, AAI will plan, procure, install and commission the CNS/ATM equipment and facilities and provide air traffic services at the upcoming airport.
The Noida International Airport (Jewar) is expected to be commissioned by the year 2025 and AAI will be associated with the airport operator in all three phases covered under the CNS-ATM agreement such as the pre-commissioning, commissioning, and the operational phase, as per the statement.
The airspace design and flight procedure design will be undertaken collaboratively under the Air Space Management (ASM) Directorate of AAI with the participation of the New Delhi Air Traffic Control Centre and the airport operator, it added. AAI said it is also expected to deploy its ATC and ATSEP (Air Traffic Services Engineering Professionals) workforce to meet service standards.
Mumbai and Navi Mumbai are arranged for a comparative methodology, he said, adding AAI has proactively marked a settlement for CNS-ATM administrations with Navi Mumbai Worldwide Air terminal (NMIAL) in 2018. Under the agreement with the Noida Worldwide Air terminal, AAI will design, get, introduce and commission the CNS/ATM gear and offices and give air traffic administrations at the forthcoming air terminal, AAI said.
Plus, the office will likewise be outfitted with Cutting edge Surface Development Direction and Control Frameworks and ATS Computerization Frameworks which will empower situational mindfulness and give choice help to Air Traffic Regulators for every climate activity, it expressed.
The Noida Global Air terminal (Jewar) is supposed to be charged continuously 2025 and AAI will be related with the air terminal administrator in each of the three stages covered under the CNS-ATM arrangement like the pre-dispatching, appointing, and the functional stage, according to the assertion.
The airspace plan and flight strategy configuration will be embraced cooperatively under the Air Space The board (ASM) Directorate of AAI with the interest of the New Delhi Aviation authority Center and the air terminal administrator, it added. AAI said it is likewise expected to send its ATC and ATSEP (Air Traffic Administrations Designing Experts) labor force to fulfill administration guidelines.