Solar flare alert! This one may affect your GPS
Categories: SCIENCE NEWS
Solarflare alert! This one may affect your GPS
Our sun packs quite a punch. Not only did it create literallyall the planets in the Solar System, but it is the source of allenergy on Earth. It is indeed true that the subsistence mode of our star isalways on. But there are times when the Sun 'sneezes' (okay, kind of) andthat means some major disruption on Earth. A solar flame is on its way to Earthand it could cause trouble for us.
TheUnited States' National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) hasraised an alarm over this solar flare emanating from the Sun on July 14. Thebiggest explosive event in our solar system. They are seen as bright areas onthe Sun and can last from minutes to hours," NASA says.
This solar flare would mean nothing as dramatic as the end ofhumanity, but a sufficiently powerful solar flare could disable our satellites. This inturn can have a major impact on many functions on Earth. We will be safebecause the Earth's magnetic field will protect us from harmful radiation. Butthe disruption of communications on Earth is enough to disrupt the flow ofmodern life.
"The long snake-like filament wrought its way from theSun in a spectacular ballet. The magnetic orientation of this Earth-guided#solarstorm is becoming difficult to predict. The magnetic field if G2-level(possibly G3) conditions could be the cause of this storm. The direction issouth!" Tamitha Skov said on Twitter. His Twitter profile says that he isa space meteorologist. The solar flare emanating from the Sun on July 14 islikely to hit Earth on July 19.