This magical chemical found in vegetables can double your wound healing speed

Thismagical chemical found in vegetables can double your wound healing speed
Israeli researchers have claimed to double the rate of woundhealing in pigs using a natural chemical. They said the compound couldeventually serve as "an antibiotic alternative" and they plan todevelop it for human use. Broccoli, cauliflower and other vegetables contain diindolylmethane(DIM).
A research team from Ben Gurion University investigated its effectson bacteria in a laboratory setting and found that it impairs their efficiency.The researchers used pigs that had multiple wounds, and they used antibiotics,or a synthetic version of DIM, to heal the wounds. The median complete closuretime was 10 days for wounds treated with antibiotics, compared to 5 days for wounds treated withDIM-based ointments.
The research was carried out by Professor Ariel Kushmaro and histeam, who also developed the chemical into animal ointments. Their findingswere published in the peer-reviewed journal Pharmaceuticals. They are alsoinvestigating the potential health benefits that animal food additives mayhave. Scientists claim that antibiotics destroy the bacterial layer present onthe wound.
A layer of fresh tissue develops, but you also have deadbacteria and tissue. Closure is more rapid with DIM because there is no layer ofdead tissue or dead bacteria because the bacteria are not actually eliminated.